Monday, October 28, 2013

All Nostalgic & Stuff ~ 10.20.13 -10.26.13

I think he's getting the hang of it.  Homeschoolin' Daddy, that is.  One day I will ask him to guest blog about Manic Mondays, when his multi-tasking is put to the test. 

We were wrapping up our Venus chapter, and so a short volcano experiment was in order on Monday, for Science.  I thought it would be a good, hands-on project for my work day.  The volcano demonstrated how lava is hot liquid when it erupts, yet once it sits, it hardens again, into molten rock. 

I plan and print out the kids' schedules daily, and even on my Monday work day, so when I came home after work to see the Venus volcano atop the counter, I was pretty darn excited.  They were all playing outside, having just returned from a long walk, and I counted 4 smiles ( + 1 wagging Boxer).  Project complete, plus the cheesers.  Doing ok. :)

Good job, Homeschoolin' Daddy :)  They done did it!

Tuesday was exciting in the fact that this 1st grader had her first "real" Math sheet to complete. Until now, it's been the story-problem type work for her.  This addition facts sheet much more closely resembled her siblings' Math facts practice; she was more than up for the task.
With a straightening of her posture, a hair-tucking behind her ears, and a gleam of determination in her eyes, she neatly did each problem, and correctly!  

*Dear Lord, please keep the fire burning for learning, in this little girl's heart!*

Tuesday was also Ava's last volleyball game.  Carrie and the kids were able to come :)

serving in her last game of the season!

reading to Griff!

Since the game was at a club-type facility, there was quite a bit of
free, open court space, which was great for some cousin time!

I must've been in the gas station or something, here?
 Following the game, there was a team dinner at Culver's.
 It was fun to see both Ava and Gressa chatting the time away withsome new friends made, during the season.  Soren sat with me at the adult table,and I realized how comfortable he has gotten around adults.  He didn't seem to mind that this
 particular crowd didn't offer him any boy-time.  He did twirl my hair for a splitsecond when he was ok'd for some dessert.  ;) 

Whoah.  Yeah,  I suppose that I know - we all know that this is the case... but maybe it's something about it being written out, plainly, and in front of my face. I don't know. But this idea definitely causes me to rethink the day's words... actions... all of it.  

I remember once, several years ago, saying to Tony, "Crap.  Ava's at the age now, where she will actually remember stuff.  Like, when we say or do things wrong, she'll remember."  I mean, up until the age of what, 3 or 4 or 5, our mistakes go largely unnoticed by our offspring.  We can still appear perfect, in their eyes.  Hmm.  

As the birthdays came and went, & the parenting pendulum swung on over from redirection to discipline, the above Henson quote never rang truer. Maybe it was then, that the raw honesty of this fact marinated within me.  Nothing I say, matters.  Not if what I'm doing every day, doesn't back it up. Whoah. Again.

On Wednesday, Gressa announced that she would like to make dinner.  She quickly read through her ingredients off of her Kindle and a quick check revealed that we had everything she needed.

She set to work, with so much concentrated effort, and was really working to get the soup made before daddy got home :)  

I super appreciate my ambitious kitchen-lover! 

It turns out, it was Tony's "special night", and so she wanted searched the TV for "Jeopardy", set the table with his soup, and even 
threw in a foot massage! She beamed when I told her we should name her soup and write down the recipe :)

As we cleaned up, I was told that the next night would be my "night off".  I would be getting eggs and a foot massage.  Unfortunately, I ended up with the stomach flu and and a headache, instead, and I'm still a-waitin' on my pampering...

I'm pretty sure the kids have never seen me this down for the count... I couldn't save face.  They  heard me puking in the bathroom.  I couldn't mind over matter it.  Not even a smidgen.  
Holla.  However, I've never seen so much compassion and understanding from them! There was literally no fighting or complaining while I spent between my bed and the bathroom.  They were orphaned... with pretzels and chips for lunch... but kindness and empathy prevailed!

Dearest Ava, Soren, and Gressa,

On a day like today, I'm even more grateful for you than usual... Your loving and concerned comments and actions toward me today, were the best medicine, ever.  I know that nothing feels right when Mom is sick, but you bucked up and realized that you had a choice.  You chose love: love toward each other, and love toward me.  I am so proud and thankful to be your Mom!

But seriously?!  I have to be deathly ill to witness this?!?  Sigh.  Anyway, it was no good, and it lasted through the weekend, causing me to miss 
much fun stuff, but the kids' positive attitudes and many snuggles definitely helped 
me to push through.

Sweet Street with the Madsons!

Costuming it up, and with Auntie Carrie's face paint.

Soren was ready for the Freaky 5K on Saturday, a fun event near and dear to our family's hearts!  It was interesting this year... since I really haven't been able to run (can't believe I'm saying that), Soren really hasn't run like he has, other years, either.  The girls were interested in dressing up, but not running, this time.
He ended up choosing a comfortable run/walk, with a finishing time his slowest of any of the handful of 5Ks he's done... by a good 6 minutes!  The blessing?  He NEVER ASKED what his time was.  The competitive me wants him to ask, and settle for nothing less than a PR every time.  Haha.  The Mama in me absolutely LOVES that he had the time of his LIFE with no concerns for time, whatsoever :)  He even said to me, "I just want to run, Mom".  I hope he and his sisters carry the love of running and staying active in their hearts forever, and look back at these times of togetherness, with a hunger for more healthy fun and an eagerness to push themselves!

Freaky 5K partners, 2013!

headed for that finish line :)

Freaky 5K 2012 with Mom
Hippie & Ninja :)

Freaky 5K, 2011
(the inaugural year)

The Claymaker and Dr. Ava, after the race

Ava, jazzed for the race's costume contest this year!  80's Party Girl!  

Last year, her costume as a nerd, earned her a 2nd place finish :)

Excited to be a kitty cat!

some stretching!

Hanging out after the run!

And  then,we were off to S's last football game! 
 His LAST flag football game... EVER!  Ahh!

Love these guys!  As they say... it's been real.  It's been fun.  It's been really, really, really. fun. 
sure gonna miss it :(

Flag Football Sleepover... 2010



"Friendship... is not something you learn in school.  But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, 
you really haven't learned anything."
- Muhammad Ali

Trunk or Treat 2013
football players


"I know this much: that there is objective time, but also subjective time, the kind you wear on the inside of your wrist, next to where the pulse lies.  And this personal time, which is the true time, is measured in your relationship to memory."
- Julian Barnes, The Sense of an Ending