Summer 2013

Summer 2013

Friday, May 2, 2014

Ava Girl

v. verb
  1. The theological virtue defined as the desire and search for a future good, difficult but not impossible to attain with God's help.
  2. Trust; confidence 
Of all of the things a Mama wishes to pass on to her daughter, scoliosis (or surely, any other genetically-linked condition) would not top the list.  

No scolio diagnosis as of yet; we're calling it a 'postural shift' of 9 degrees.  10 degrees and above, plus vertebral rotation reckons a scolio... (no vertebral rotation yet)

ScolioSmart Clinic, here we come. Again.  Looks like I will have a partner for my exercises, at least for awhile. :)  Dr. Dovorany thinks that twice a day on the disc, for a few months will FIX the shift.  Thankful?  Understatement.  The value of hope is immense and indescribable for this Mom.  Outside of this opportunity, I'd be waiting, and watching.  Watching what?  Watching it get worse and fear and "know" what's likely in store for her days ahead? No. If things go as planned, scolio will be a non-issue for her! 

I think back to her days of competitive gymnastics.  

My radiant, marvelous, free-spirited, daughter.  

From the moment she blessed us with her tumultuous arrival, she's been shining a new perspective on all I've previously known. 

She, with a spirit of zeal, enough energy, intensity, and vitality to carry an entire team of toned and conditioned, strong girls. 

That floor routine was one to remember
 When the ankle injury took her out of the sport she adored, we endured some rocky times of anxiety and self discovery, together. 

Ava, these struggles only helped to shape who you really are!  You will enjoy many successes... as well as pain... and... life, all of it. You will prevail.  
With your Savior's ever-present help, it's my prayer that you always carry in your heart this sure promise: 
"Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us." Romans 5 3-5

God knows what is best for us. Always. Just as He knew that gymnastics wouldn't be a favorable activity for your back, He knows what's best for you now... not just when He seemingly answers our prayers, or when things go our way, or when they make sense to us.  ALWAYS. Take comfort in His promise to bless us, always. When you don't know which end is up, and you don't understand, remember this!  This truth will bring you amazing comfort.

It's such a true joy to be your mom, Ava Delaney.  You make me proud in new ways, all the time. I look forward to witnessing it all... the hardships, the wins, the blessings. You are His perfect creation. 

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