Tuesday, August 6, 2013

2 month Primal-versary!

Hi everyone!  I am soo excited to have pulled some beginning thoughts together into a blog!  And what better day to launch, than on my 2 month Primal-versary?  Since beginning the Primal lifestyle, I have learned soooo much... the number one thing I've learned, is that I have a LOT more to learn!

I was encouraged by my CrossFit Vanguard family (you can find their fb page, here: https://www.facebook.com/crossfitvanguard ) to start eating this way.  It feels too hard.  Yep.  It feels like I won't enjoy life without sugar and processed junk.  Yep.  Truth is, you can find every excuse out there, to not try this, if you want to.  But do your research, and give it a try, and I don't think you'll ever look back.

I'm learning that Paleo, Primal, Clean eating looks a bit different for each person.  Everyone has different sensitivities and intolerances/preferences that make tweaking somewhat necessary.

Basic Primal Food Pyramid

What does Primal eating look like for me?  It's mostly as above... I do include more fruit.  My main focus is to stay away from white flour, white sugar, sugar in general, and anything processed (ie, ingredient list).  Simply cutting out junk, by default, forced a cleaner diet.

Benefits of Primal eating that I have noticed (most of these I noticed within the first 3 days):
*increased energy levels
*more stable energy and mood levels throughout the day
*disappearance of daily 'carb fog'.  I noticed this on day 1 without sugar.  I used to feel so sleepy after lunchtime... I would "perk" myself up with a soda or coffee, and usually some candy!  Guess what?!  I perked up, alright!  And then I crashed!  Up and down, all day.  Sadly, It'd been so long since I'd had a sugar-free day, I didn't even realize that these sugar highs and crashes were riddling me.
*improvement of seasonal allergies

The next question I tend to get, is, "Does your whole family eat this way?"  Yes, and no.  Hubby is Primal.  Happy 2 month Primal-versary, honey :)  The kids... it depends.  I would like a do-over on this.  I would not feed them as much grains/processed carbs, as I once did.  New Moms!  Holla!  For instance, if I make a roast, with carrots and potatoes, and a side of fruit, they will mostly eat the fruit and potatoes, with a little veggies and meat.  Meanwhile, my husband and I will stick to the meat and veggies, maybe a little fruit.  At least we are all eating the same meal, and there is only one.  I'm totally over making more than one lunch/dinner, etc. at one time! Been there, done that (That's also where that do-over comes in).  I do hope to broaden their horizons some, in regards to expanding their tastebuds' acceptance... there are things they simply won't eat.  Sigh.  On the upside, they've never been allowed an abundance of sugary treats or processed snacks, so that part isn't too tough. Snack times are usually fruit. Dang it, the cereal runs rampant over here, still, though! (Did someone say something about a do-over..??)  I am also making mini changes, all of the time.  I have found that making their grilled cheese (yep, bread, but at least it's of the minimally processed, no high-fructose corn syrup variety) with coconut oil, makes a mean sammich :)  Baby steps... I intend on baby steps alll the way to gluten-free for them. Ok. Enough on that!

How about you?  What's holding you back?  I challenge you to just try it for a day.  One day.  Report back and see if you don't feel better.  In the meantime, I should get back to the meal planning for the week!  Looking ahead at our week and anticipating when we are home for mealtimes, etc., is the primal-planning lifeline.  The planning on the front end, really makes all systems go.  In the meantime, I will have a bazillion primal thoughts swirling around in my head, for the next post!  All Things Primal... not solely food.  Let's get back to basics!

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