Summer 2013

Summer 2013

Friday, August 30, 2013

Our First 2 Days, In The Books.

 Here we go!  Truly.  This is going to be a ride. We have our first two days of homeschooling in, and I can tell it already; this is going to be an amazing, crazy, beautiful, dream of a journey.  Not a dream in the relaxing, luxurious, vacation-type of way... oh, noooo... HA!  But a dream, in the rewarding, fulfilling, can't fill up on my kids kind of way, and a dream nonetheless.  A dream of daily discoveries in a world of wonder, THEIR wonder.  

We've made our way through narrations and bible passages, copywork, and multiplication.  Yes, we are working hard. They, at their school work, and me, at trying to figure out the best balance of mom, teacher, disciplinarian, & encourager.  I was happy to find that, on the first day, they seemed to immediately accept my transition from mom to teacher.   Phew.  lol

Now, don't get me wrong - it's not all rainbows and unicorns over here.  True, the looks of unlocked potential, and the excitement over a job well-done outweigh the sibling pestering and limit-pushing (just BARELY, at some times!).  But, we've also had some not-so-shining moments under this roof.  

Case in point:  
3rd grader = guilty party

Ava is embracing this more than I thought she would.  At her age, she wasn't entirely sure this would be super fantastic.  She misses seeing her friends, at times, of course, but I am so impressed, so far. She is working hard at everything.   I am so proud of this girl!  She's stepping it up around home, and I've already seen major gains in Math, utilizing the CD ROM (Earbuds = increased ability to focus.  Holla!) for  instruction and then completing her assignment, with one-one-one instruction from me, with any problems that weren't answered correctly.  She loves the no-homework part of the deal and is banking on the idea of weeknight sleepovers leaking into the homeschool equation. She's also very excited about being on Valley Homeschoolers' Middle School Volleyball team.  I'm excited to see her excited.  Vball team bonding event/bonfire tonight.  Girls AND Moms :0) 

Soren is mission-minded.  I'm not referring to the typical definition in being mindful of sharing the Good News with the ultimate goal of worship (although he does show interest in that, as well).  What I mean is that he  Not because he wants to be done, but because his motor is always runnin'.  Conquer. Just conquer.  His strong subject is Math, and he likes trying to be silly during everything else.   Although... he is starting to really enjoy the stories for narration, from his, "Writing With Ease" English text.  Personally, I'm really wondering if he has always entertained (?) his past teachers with his CONSTANT HUMMING while he works?!  What Soren loves about homeschool, is that he can run up and down the sidewalk for a break, whenever he feels the need... which is a lot. :)  He's also excited for First Lego League.  

Consistent with Soren's need to make others laugh... he took an opportunity to do so, on day 1, during our Bible Time.  In addition to devotions and verse memory work, we are using a book from My Father's World curriculum for part of our bible time, called, "Window On The World".  Its focus is to help make children aware of the great need to pray for those who have never heard of Jesus, as well as other specific prayer needs for people both here, and in other countries.  I asked if any of the kids knew the name of the red 'dot' that Indian women traditionally wear on their foreheads (as India was the focus of the afore-read material). Soren immediately and emphatically responded with, "I believe it's called the 'tomato touch'."  Oh dear! :(  We did learn its correct name - "Bindi", and my many apologies to you, Erika Hoyord, if you or any of  your Indian relatives are reading this! ;D

My Gressy!  This one is on Cloud Nine.  She is thrilled to be able to be able to get up and down and move around, and take frequent breaks for "free time".  The two of us have decided a "free time drawer" is in order, for her to stay busy and in school mode when in between her subjects, and while I help her sibs.  She takes great pride in her drawer, filled with copywork, spelling words, workbooks, art projects, and extra math practice and reading.  She is incidentally doing schoolwork the entire time :0)  Well.. in between cartwheels and burpees.  The best part of homeschooling to me, in terms of this kid, is watching her reading completely blossom!  I LOVE NEW READERS!!  She is absolutely eating up the A Beka reading curriculum and this is SO. FUN.  She has been taking her readers along with her, wherever we go.  What's better than knowing your child is finding true joy and satisfaction in reading?!  Love.  1st grade rocks.

These kids are growing way too fast, as is cliche, and, of course always the case when it comes to kids.  Watching them think out loud, ask sincere questions (sooo many!), struggle at times, and then rejoice with them when they learn, is certainly a complete privilege.  So thankful. 

"For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." -Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

"This is what I did on my first day, daddy..."

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