Thursday, August 15, 2013

We're All Gettin' Schooled.

"Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire." 
- William Butler Yeats

Today is an exciting day for our family :)  We received the bulk of our homeschooling materials via UPS.  Finally, I can page through the materials and start to formulate a more specific plan!  Shreiks, questions, and random thoughts have also arrived with the texts and workbooks, via the shorties.  I like it.

I also spent the morning visiting, planning, and envisioning our new journey with my friend, and partner in this new adventure.  The boy was away at basketball camp, but the girls were home while we chatted (and tried out a new, delicious recipe from Delighted Mama!).  Here is the recipe; they are divine (I never claimed to be non-tangential in convo or blogging...)

Paleo Almond Butter Blondies

During the free time my girls had with my friend's newly-turned-one-year-old-cute-as-can-be-walker, I observed a lot of goodness.  The two of them were able to keep super sweet, baby Charlie happy and safe for (mostly) the entire time.  This involved finding toys he was interested in, anticipating his abilities and struggles, changing his diaper, and even lying him down for a nap after readying the bedroom for slumber (pulling the shades and rocking/soothing him)!  The BEST part, for me, was that these strong-willed girls accomplished these tasks  t o g e t h e r, p e a c e f u l l y...!  I think that HAD to involve some type of compromising.  WINNING.

While I realize the enormity of this job that is now layed out in front of us - becoming responsible for our kids' education, I know in my heart that it is the right thing for our kids.  This was very much, a prayer-led decision.  I'm betting that I will also be learning a LOT while spending these days with them - A lot WITH them, and a lot more ABOUT them.  I look forward to more opportunities for them, like today: simple, and meaningful experiences with others that allow them to continue to grow into themselves and foster kindness. I feel like by taking a step back, we have been given a huge gift of time.

As my friend was leaving, her arms full of books and baby, my 7 yr old noticed that she could be of help, grabbing her last item, and marching proudly outside to put it in her minivan.  I'd say today's "lesson" left her feeling pretty content :)  

Read more about our prayer-led decision to begin homeschooling, and my initial thoughts on the subject, here:

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