Monday, September 23, 2013

Our Week! 9.16.13 - 9.22.13

We continue finding our groove... It seems Tony had an easier time, this week, with working from home on Monday, while I was at work, which is great... because the 1st week he was home with them, the email I got at work was something like, "This is insanity.  They are animals...bouncing up and down, chewing gum and talking while they work.  Works for them.  Drives me nuts."  Ahahahah... let's chalk that lil ol' day up to "Adjustment Period" for everyone! I love seeing his comments and corrections on the kids' stuff.  
We really are still trying to figure out our best method for getting it all in.  Some days, one or two want to stay immersed in read-alouds, while the other seems tortured to hear another word.  Or, on another day, someone wants to know every.single.thing. there is to know about Egypt, while the others are ready to move on to math.  Needless to say, the challenges we run into are typically not academic.  Homeschooling is a whole new lifestyle; it's not simply just "doing" school at home: we do our best to help and love each other through mind blocks, lack of motivation, and frustrations, and we also encourage each other and celebrate each other's mini-successes throughout the days and weeks.  We have to! Ha. We are a 24/7 bunch these days :)  It's really been a bonding adventure, even already.  If I said that every day was a breeze, I'd obviously either be lying or loony.  It's not.  But it is, SO worth it.  

Ava & Soren using the atlas to fill in the states that they missed when they tried to name them all on a blank, US Map.

On Tuesday, Ava had a volleyball game at Mt. Calvary in Neenah.  
I love watching her play (and smile)!

Wednesday after school in the morning, it was off to WINGS.  Gressa really enjoyed craft time this week, and Soren definitely gets his boy-time fix, with Minecraft time, as well as gym time.
Ava is loving her baby time with Charlie!!
It's really fun watching her develop care taking skills :)
Soren woke up full of intention on a couple of different mornings this week... s i g h....!  One day he decided out of the blue, that he NEEDED, and I mean desperately NEEDED to take Karate.  Today.  Yesterday, for that matter.  
Here, he's found some free online karate skillz instructional class and has rushed upstairs to show me what he's learned.  This kiddddd!

I entertained his idea (mostly because he fixates if he can't develop an idea; I'll admit it).  I helped him research cost and commitment, and then he formulated a concise paragraph with all pertinent info and typed an email to Tony to ask his opinion.  sneaky little English lesson... :D

On Thursday, Soren thought it a fine day for an insect scavenger hunt and bird watching.  Phew.  I have to be ready for anything.  Everyday.  I'm sooooooo excited, though, that the creative juices are flowing, and that the creativity is sparked!

looking for birds :)
We took Garmin to the dog park...
and we did our "sun" science project on the picnic table, while the dawg ran like a maniac.  
We had been learning about how when the sun is shone through a lens (either magnifying, or the lenses in our eyes), the light is refracted to a concentrated area.  The chocolate melted quickly! 
We enjoyed hiking with Garmin and the kids had fun hanging out in the trees.  Interestingly, they actually ASKED ME to take their picture in the tree, together!  Of course they were being clowns, as usual.
 "like we're falling, Mom!"
"silly and crazy" 
"Ok.  Let's be nice."
I think about how temporary life's moments are, when I look at this photo.  Soon... big teeth will transform Gressa's impish grin, and Ava's ever-changing brace-face (her words, not mine!) will change her overall look, time and time again, until a brace-less, teenage face finally settles upon this sweet girl of mine... Sigh.

Crazy, Random, Crack-Up Moment of the Week:  for an English assignment one day, I summarized the story of "Rapunzel".  Gressa was to write down something she remembered from the story (main goal being correct punctuation and capitalization).  After chuckling at her answer, I asked her why she kept it so simple.  She responded, "Well.  It IS right (which is true... the man did lie about his daughter being able to spin straw into gold).  Anddddd, I know more, but then I'd have to write more.  Soooo... that's it, Mom."  And off she went. 
And then it was Friday...
So, we declared Fridays Dunkin' Donut Friday!  This way, at least I get one!!  Friday is usually a cheat meal or two from Primal eating, for meeee!  
Who's the big girl with the latte? Sigh.  Again.

On the way back from the donut shoppe, we noticed that the Target parking lot was being re-paved.  The kids noticed that it was quite the operation, and even Ava wanted to take it in.  

I think we sat there for half an hour or more.  Good talks, good talks :)  I love the moments of   n o t h i n g.

On Saturday, Gressa's soccer team had a bye, but we enjoyed watching Soren's fb game.
With Soren and Gressa at friends' after the game, my Ava girl and I headed to the Trout Museum, a place she's been wanting to check out for quite awhile.  Currently, the Katharine Hepburn exhibit is there.  It's... fascinating!  Ava was unfamiliar... (shocking!?) and so was I, kind of?!  But boy, the fashion influence and overall impact that the woman had on Hollywood is really something... a stage and movie career lasting 6 decades?? And a life of more than 90 years.. wow.  We were impressed.  Ava took this picture of costumes of some of her films:
After the movie, it was on to Cherry Berry for more candy than yogurt (for her), and after that, it I was subjected to, "This Is Us".  Not familiar?  Count yourself lucky.  It's the new One Direction movie.  Well, it's really more of a documentary of their lives. Not horrible... just that by the end I felt like I'd heard fans from every nation on earth, screaming in hysterics for these 5 boys.  Oh, wait- that's because I HAD.  Gahhhh.  Oh well, because I'm blessed that the girl wanted to see it with me :)  I hope I keep getting invited for a looong time.  It's a lot to hope for, I know...

Sunday brought church, and Sunday School and a Packer loss!! :(  It also brought Primal pumpkin cupcakes:

And that's that!  It's a new week; can't wait to find out the adventures that await. :)

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