Monday, October 21, 2013

Livin' ~ 10.14.13 - 10.20.13

Tuesday left me feeling really proud of Ava and her improved work efforts.  It started Tuesday morning, when I had to leave for about an hour to run an important errand.  I had decided I'd just let the kids veg and/or settle into their first, chosen subject, while I was gone, and we'd get started when I returned.  Typically, Ava would milk this for all its worth.  But, when I got home, she was up in her room, reading.  She came downstairs and opened up her Math... we did 2 lessons of corrections - not many!  And then she completed her math facts practice sheet, as well as a test.  She worked so hard = warm fuzzies.  :)

This afternoon, in the History curriculum we are using - "the Story of the World", we read about the first Nomads, their discovery of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, and their resulting decision to stay in the Fertile Crescent and plant seeds and raise game... how they became the first farmers :)  It was fun to read about why nomads traveled... how they supported themselves and their families, etc. Thank you, Jody, SO much for lending us this book; it is SUCH a fun and rich way to study history in chronological order!

After the reading, I had the kids research about cave paintings, and find examples.  They were interested to see what/why/how cave paintings were done.  We learned about cave floor charcoal, and "ochre", which is an iron-rich, earthly substance these ancient people used, to make their paintings.  Then we created our own cave paintings, making an effort to simulate the supplies and colors that were used so many years ago, keeping in mind that ancient people didn't have language, and so they typically drew about life events.
Gressa, after hearing about the berries that nomads often searched for, concentrated intently on crafting a large strawberry ;)
Ava made a painting of an early village, with a surrounding protection wall, like Jericho's.

The girls didn't want their picture taken... at least of their faces... lol
But Soren was definitely game :)
He really embraced this project, making several paintings!

He wanted us to do this one, "together".  I added the bushes to his already-there, "bear" :)
Yeah... this would be mine.  It didn't get all that many rave reveiws... haha
Then, it was time to clean up the paint and head to the VHS volleyball game.  3 of Ava's good friends were on the opposing team.  Ava was reallllly excited. 
Ava, Elise, and Sara
friendly competition :)

Yay for Nana! 
She's been practicing overhand serving for awhile now, but had never served that way, in a game before.  Today, with no warning, and overflowing confidence (I truly could not tell if this was the real deal, or not), she served up 3 overhand aces in a row.  Then it hit the net... Next time up, she served a few more overhand, too.   PROUD MAMA!  Not just because she got points for her team, or because we were now winning... but because she WENT for it!  She was a little afraid, but she pushed away the fear and WENT for it :)  Ahhh... I love watching her get more and more comfortable in her own skin.  This is a big win over any past anxiety. LOVE.

It was a really tight match!  Game 1 was won by St. Peter, 25-20.  Game 2 belonged to VHS, with a 25-22 victory, and the 3rd game of leapfrog, left St. Peter coming out on top: 25-20, again.

We had some mid-week fun starting our Science chapter on Venus.  We learned LOTS of things about its climate, atmosphere, etc., and how it compares to what we learned about Mercury last week.  Below are comics Ava and Soren made, showing how Venus is covered with volcanoes, lava, and molten rock.  I'm pretty sure that I'm learning just as much as they are.


We continue with Reading (phonics/leveled reader for G, and 30" minimum silent reading/comprehension for S and A), Copywork/Handwriting, English (journaling or a Writing With Ease, text assignment), Spelling, and Math, daily. Then we add in another subject of History, or Science or Art, for example, and spend the rest of our time for the school day on that subject.  We still have time for lots of outside time, playing together, and so many other things we love to do!
The Wild One.  Creating a new primal cookie recipe.

Gressa's Wednesday WINGS art project: bushy-tailed squirrels
On Thursday, we decided to step away from the books, and head out to Halloween Headquarters (Goodwill, of course ;D)!  We must've been in that store for over 2 hours... and the end result was 2 solid ideas of costumes and a few, associated accessories :)
We also simply couldn't stay away from all of the BOOKS!  
Goodwill: You pretty much rock my world.
I serioussssssly cannot believe the books people donate... 
And the kids LOVE not knowing what they might find on the sheves.  Me, too :)

We also picked up a microscope at Goodwill, new-in-the-box from The Learning Shop, for 5 buckaroos.  
They sure have been having a ball with this - great intro to this awesome, fun, learning tool.

After that stop, we were kind of on a roll with our fun day, so I surprised the girls with an appointment to have an October Pink hair extension put in.  This is something that Ava, especially, has been asking for.  I guess that the Kool-Aid she dyed her hair with this summer... that's STILL going strong... just isn't enough color for her ;)
Heading into Empire Beauty School

"Should I do this, instead, Ava?"

What a brother does during all of this.  

When we arrived home, a package was awaiting us!  At the beginning of the school year, we had written a letter to our good friend Mike Fischer, who we met at Bethany Lutheran College.  He serves in the US Air Force, and is currently stationed in South Korea.  We were learning about North and South Korea, so the kids sent a few letters with questions.  It was AMAZING to receive a letter and package from him, in return! The generosity was quite overwhelming...
There were Korean jewelry boxes, bookmarks, and Packer gear for all, that came from, 
"ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE WORLD!" Also included was a letter addressing the kids' questions, additional interesting information about the country, and of course - Fisch Humor!  Thanks so much for all you did!

The weekend brought more friend time for the kids, and football for S on Saturday, as well as Gressa's last soccer game.
Great season, Crew!

Madi and Soren, cheering them on :)

Greta and Gressa after the game!

On Sunday, we continued our Bible TV miniseries and discussion at church, and also enjoyed the Sunday School kids' singing during 2nd service.  At the last minute, we were incredibly blessed (yet, again) by such an amazing and generous friend, and S and T got to head to the Frozen Tundra to cheer The Pack on to a victory against The Browns! 
"Mean Faces"
A true friend may or may not share her Packer tix!?  This one, does.  Kelly, you are one of the most generous people I've ever met, and you are such a blessing, to so many, in countless ways. You are an absolute riot and I'm so thankful for our friendship!  Sometimes I think about the possibility of my hanging up Nursing. . . and then I stop to think about all of the people and patients I'd have never met... and it's clear how many blessings overflow from this work!

As busy and fun and crazy and (whoops forgot crazy, oh wait - no, I didn't.  Oh well, worth mentioning twice. . .) blessed this week was, there were also some dark moments of worry that, thankfully -  both prayer and God's Word have a way of replacing with peace and comfort.  It's not to say the struggle didn't remain at times.  

Recently, Tony's Grandma Sorenson has been failing in health, and adding to health issues were 4 cancer scares between Tony's family and mine, combined, all in this week.  News has to wait through the weekend for one diagnosis, in particular. What does this make me thankful for?? That's right - THANKFUL.  Of course I am not giddy with happiness every moment, but I just refuse to push away the truth of how blessed I - we all - are, no matter our worries, problems, or struggles! He is always working for our good, even if we cannot see it.  

Romans 5:3-5 NIV
Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.



  1. Great post Jamaica! I love to see your family enjoying all the freedom and fun of Homeschooling. I am so glad that you decided to be home with the kiddoes, learning and having that time with them everyday. What a blessing this has been for you and the kids, and what a blessing it has been for me and my kids too...having you guys around this year! -Jody

  2. Thanks, Jody! Your family sure has been a blessing to ours, too!! So thankful!
