Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Living = Learning

Totally finding our groove and loving and learning. Finding that we are continually evolving into who we are.  Us.  Our family.  Our dynamics.  Our weaknesses, and our strengths.  What works?  What doesn't?

1.  Salvation.  My #1 job (aside from protecting their safety) as Mom, is to make sure I do all I can to share the truth, to see my kids in heaven one day. Reading His Word. Praying. Talking.  Teaching repentance. Asking questions.  Answering questions.  Not knowing answers to questions.  Finding those answers in His word. God is so, so, great like that.  
2.  God's Word. Math. Reading. Writing.  Gotta have 'em.  If we do nothing else, we WILL do these things.  Every day. 

Oh, just learnin' how to write checks.
3.  Chronological History.  A biblical worldview = H I S T O R Y.  Absolutely enthralled with learning about our amazing, and perfectly created world in a chronological way.  Thank you, Story of the World. Recently, we've covered ancient Mesopotamia, Babylon, India, and the fairy tale of Gilgamesh.
 4. Love.  Such a simple word, yet sooo loaded.  I want to teach my kids to love.  To really love.  Family first.  Love one another.  Love your brother.  Love your friends. Love a stranger.  Love all of God's children.  We love because He first loved us - not just when they agree with us, not just when they choose as we would. We love not because of what others do, but simply because of who they are: someone precious, created in His image.  We ALL matter.  We all have worth. We respect that.  Well, or we lose Xbox... and Minecraft... and sleepovers. Gaaahhhh.

5.  Give grace.  Boy.  Boy, oh BOY.  This is big for me.  Having the kids home has given me so many, many opportunities to show them grace.  In particular, Ava and I have really strengthened our relationship.  Peer dependency seems to have played a big part in inhibiting her growth prior to being home.  She is so free to be her.  She is messing up...and not messing up. I am messing up. She is being herself.  She is learning what exactly, that means.  It.Is.Priceless. And I am here to witness it all, and step in when she needs me.  So thankful. 

Living = learning. 
Gressa & "Bianca"
1st lesson!

Oh, I love these kids so! Does love...and life... really need to be more complicated than this...?  I just don't think so.

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