Saturday, March 8, 2014

Twistedly Hopeful, Chapter 1

I have scheduled my scolio treatment with ScolioSmart Clinics! Dates are 3.31 - 4.11. CRAZZZZY HAPPY DANCE!!! Face hurts from smiling in eager anticipation.  Seriously, face hurts. 

"Idiopathic Scoliosis is not just a spinal condition.  If fact, it's not even primarily a spinal condition.  Scoliosis of the spine is primarily a neurological condition with its primary effects on the spine itself.  Essentially, the spinal curvature is really a symptom of the condition.  In fact, viewing the scoliosis spine on x-ray is similar to watching the wind out the window.  While you can't actually see the wind, you can assert your understanding of how hard it is blowing and in what direction by watching the effects it has on the trees, grass, leaves, etc.  That is why we feel scoliosis exercises are the best way to treat scoliosis." -ScolioSmart Clinics

To say I'm excited to give this a shot, would be the understatement of the century.  Just months ago, I had no idea that this treatment even existed, and now, it's about to become my own reality.  I am so nervoushopefulexcitedprayerful!  

In recent weeks, I've been in verbal and email discussions with Dr. Brian Dovorany of the Posture and Spine Center (division of ScolioSmart Clinics) in Green Bay, re: my own scolio situation.  The very idea that he's located in Green Bay, is to me, kind of unbelievable.  There are only 4 locations in the entire US to receive this treatment; one in PA, one in MI, one in NY... and one... in Green Bay.  Divine intervention?  I'm not ruling that out.

I first wrote about my scolio issues a few months ago, when the resulting issues caused me, finally, to surrender weight-bearing exercise for now. Those thoughts, here: I still can't even BELIEVE I'm saying that.  Even after a few months, it's hard to believe I "gave" that up.  Exercising is who I am, but, I was forced, for now. Perspective is SUCH a friend.

Apparently there is a Scolio Specialty "think tank", which is where and how the idea for this treatment came about.  Until this research/treatment, there has been no "good" answer for scoliosis treatment.  We are told to "watch and wait" and when/if the curve is severe enough, a spinal fusion takes place.  ScolioSmart Clinics claims to have found a better way.

How is a spinal fusion for scoliosis done?

As a person with an approximate 45 degree curve, it's quite disheartening to have absolutely no hope given, in regards to your current situation, and for the future, too.  Scoliosis typically progresses at 3-5 degrees/year.  Since my main curve is already at 45ish degrees (spinal fusions recommended around 45-50 degrees); doing the math could be pretty depressing!

I've been doing a lot of my own research over the last 2 years or so, and have noticed that there seems to be "more" to scoliosis than simply, a crooked spine.  The brain controls posture.   As I researched, scolio resembled to me, a "disease", with the crooked spine as its main symptom.  I was amazed and encouraged - but skeptical, at first, to run across Dr. Dovorany and Dr. Stitzel's research and claims, which also supported these same ideas.  They referred to scoliosis as a "disease", and pointed to other contributing factors in curve progression and vertebral rotation.  They suggest that the brain needs re-training, with specialized, active and passive scolio-targeted exercises, as well as weighted-therapy.  To be clear, their treatment is personalized-to-the-curve-and-rotation of each patient.  This is not standard chiropractic care.  

Their research and claims also showed that by checking a person's neurotransmitters and supplementing those, where deficient, there would be benefits in curve stabilization.  I had found in my own research this idea of certain transmitters (specifically melatonin and serotonin) being at deficient levels in those with progressive scolio.

I immediately sent for information about their treatment and results. 

I was bowled over, moved to tears, actually. I turned through page after page, of patients' stories, all with amazing results, CHANGING THEIR CURVES!  I've NEVER been told by anyone that curves can be changed.  Never. In fact, I've been told it's literally impossible, without surgery. To see the pictures, and read the stories, proving otherwise, was nothing less than heartwarming and inspiring for me.  Here's my favorite:

Neither bracing, nor spinal fusion surgery/scolio rodding have ever proved to be very successful in curve maintenance/stability or curve reduction. Considering the treatment explained by Dr. Dovorany and his associates, this makes sense to me. Bracing, rodding, fusing the spine may, mechanically and physically hold the spine in place - for a time, but again, it's only addressing the symptom, not the cause.  I suspect this is why you often hear of adults' rods spontaneously "breaking", some time after a surgery; the postural control in the brain is still aiming for that crooked spine. The cause has not been addressed. The rates of both complications and general non-effective results concern me.  This article highlights the startling high rate of perioperative complications: 

"... greater than 40% incidence of perioperative adverse 

A successful alternative to surgery would be life-changing. Spinal stabilization, on its own, would be phenomenal.  Decreased pain and fatigue, increased mobility would be icing on the cake.  An eventual return to somewhat "normal" body mechanics and weight-bearing exercise would, indeed, be an inexplicable gift and dream come true.

This treatment makes so much sense!   Can't.Wait.

Photo: How are #ScoliSMART Clinics™ Different Than Other #Scoliosis Exercise Programs?

~ Static neuro/spine reactive training
~ Dynamic spinal de-rotation training
~ Scoliosis Specific Neurotransmitter testing and nutritional support for a free info kit

~ Static neuro/spine reactive training

~ Dynamic spinal de-rotation training

~ Scoliosis Specific Neurotransmitter testing and nutritional 




1 comment:

  1. We are thinking of signing our son up for this program. Would you mind sharing your thoughts since you've completed the program? Kind regards, Andrea
