Thursday, April 3, 2014

Day 4, Stop the Rotation, Stop the Curve

The above is posted on the clinic's whiteboard.  It sure means more now, than it did at the beginning of the week.

Any busy mom would probably agree that the sound of two weeks to "myself", albeit in treatment, sounds like a pretty fair respite.  That's what I thought, too.
On the first day, I brought along my crochet, my book, and lesson plans.  I thought I'd have more than enough time to "hobby" and get ahead on some things, during downtime.  After all, there was rumor of a near-2 hour break for lunch, and I wouldn't even be multi-tasking!  Considering the idea that I typically take a nanosecond to scarf some niblets down, around lunchtime, while I make the kids', it sure did seem that I would have some time on my hands.

Not the case.  As I mentioned in the previous post, I'm pretty well spent. After 2 rounds/4 hours of therapy, my energy is zapped.  Even when my energy is zapped, I usually dig deep for some more, but this is really something.  I guess, if I think about it though... I'm retraining the postural control center of my brain... brainpower takes work, right???!

I'm also missing my kids!  It was hard to leave today.  Gressa said she didn't want me to go, "again".  But c'est la vie, and just another season we are in. Helping myself now, is so very preferable to needing a surgery down the road,and suffering with so much more pain.

The kids had a great day.  They all had co-op, in which they dissected and learned about sheeps' brains :)
Ava's brain

They also all had time with friends, and Soren had his guitar lesson.  Kudos to the cross-country (or counties, at least)travelin' Daddy-O, and the help of friends!
Today, Olivia and I had some more convo., attempting to distract ourselves from the intensity of our cantilevers.  

Right before we use our cantilevers, we sit in the scoliosis traction chairs.  As we had our first round with the levers this morning, Olivia tells me that she's using an app called, "Dead Yourself", and she'd like to make me a zombie.  Here's the result. :)

Sooo... as I bust out into laughter, I'm gripping my foam roller bracing my curve, because laughing or coughing in the lever, is simply torture!  My laughing makes Olivia crack up and grab her own foam roll and lever (I thought we might get reprimanded)... and then she flashes this pic: 
"I took my picture when I was in the 'chair'.  It looks like an execution chair."

HAHAHA!  It so does.
I love this funny girl!
 Plus, when she asked me how old I was, she thought I was 10 years younger than my stated age.

Lovable, this one.
 Today I had another x-ray.  I gained another 2 degrees. So, down from 42 to 35 at this point. More importantly, though, the vertebrae seem to be de-rotating toward mid-line. This is significant, because the rotation of the bones is what drives the curve.  Stop the rotation, stop the curve:)  The black lines on the xrays depict the spinous processes.  I had no idea they were quite this rotated.
When I got home tonight, this was here!  Seriously.  No, s e r i o u s l y...
Sooo yum!  Thank you, Reader family!
Not much better than a delicious meal, prepared and delivered for you!  So thankful!

Time to relax and enjoy the fam :)

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