Thursday, April 10, 2014

Week 2, Day 4: Tool Time

Today after my first adjustments, Dr. D took an unbelievable tool to my right SI (sacroiliac joint).  Drill/jigsaw resemblance, and 12 thrusts per second or something crazy like that. 

Its' name is: ArthroStim

I mentioned in a previous post that he'd used this on my neck, to help with my reverse curve.  This image sort of shows what I mean by that.

The way this felt on my SI joint/ligaments was nothing short of phenomenal.  
He said the middle to lower parts of the joint were completely 'locked up'.  I've heard this before, and even if I hadn't, I know it to be true.  My biomechanics are not my friend :(. 

The ArthroStim gave me new life!  Freedom! Do you need a license to operate that gadget?! Does Amazon sell this thing?! Turns out, no, but I did find another site that does... googling while on The Vibe with my cantilever.  Cost? $1,279.  Hmmm... a bit steep?!  Surrrrrrre is tempting.  

Not much else to report for today.  Tomorrow is the last day, already. Will be curious to see what follow-up will look like, how often I will be coming back for tune-ups.  

Will ask:
What types of exercise can I/should I do, for consistent cardio?

Am I a candidate for the ScolioSmart Activity Suit, which creates new muscle memory and encourages unwinding of the spine?

Do you have an extra ArthroStim to loan patients??  If not, and yours is ever missing... it wasn't me who took it.

Headed to bed tonight, again, with a full belly of tasty dinner from friends :) So so thankful for the blessing of generous, prayerful, and thoughtful family and friends!  How much easier this was on all of us, because of you all! 


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