Friday, June 27, 2014

The Pearl, & His Raw & Flawless Choreography

Snow capped mountains... emerald hills... misty forests, and deep crystal clear lakes - these, some of the reasons Uganda is known as, "The Pearl of Africa".  

I'm also captivated by this 'red dirt' anyone who's seen it, seems enamored with & forever changed by.

God truly put Africa on my heart years ago.  

When I was in high school, and the internet was new (YIKES!), I remember searching for "Africa", and "missions".  

And then in college, I'd think about how, with a nursing degree, perhaps I'd have additional reason to travel there - something to offer.  

When I worked nights at my first job as an RN, and all my patients were sleeping, I was back to Googling for mission trips to Africa. 

While visiting a bestie in Indiana over the winter, I learned from her, about Katie Davis, and Trades of Hope.  This absolutely rekindled any fizzling ember.
Katie, so very wise beyond her years, truly understands that God chooses regular people to carry out His will. It isn't because some people are more qualified... it's because they are willing to listen, regardless of circumstances and their own desires, acting on God's call for their own life. 
Katie traveled to Jinja, Uganda (against her family's desires, understandably), when just 18 years old.  She was to be a Kindergarten teacher there for one year... but she stayed.  She eventually adopted 14 Ugandan girls as her own; her story is beyond effective summarization, here. It's THE most incredibly inspiring story and testament to the endless possibilities that flourish, in obedience to God's plan for one's life. She so eloquently describes how when in UG, she could see how through a person's pain and suffering, and never having known real love of a parent or anyone else, these people could not fathom Jesus' vast and unconditional love for them.  It was through caring for their physical and emotional needs, that the gospel was able to flood in.  For the first time, these precious people could begin to understand Christ's enormous love for them, and grow in this truth. 
Please.  Read it: "Kisses from Katie" 
Eventually, 14 orphan girls became Katie's daughters!  They all remain together, in UG.
 I've been searching for quite some time, then, for a way to provide healthcare, and share the gospel, all at once - just a whole lotta' love coming straight at those who need it most, answering His call on my life. 
I just can't imagine what else could possibly be more gratifying or edifying than to nourish both body and soul, giving all glory to Him!

Last fall, it looked as though there were a possibility being presented.  The WELS Central Africa Medical Mission was looking to hire a nurse for its mobile clinic in Malawi.  Several conversations ensued with the "right person" leading this effort.  In the end, it wasn't the right time or opportunity for me or our family, and truthfully, I started to wonder when it would be.

I began praying harder than ever, nearly every day.  "Please show me how I can do this.  I think this is what You want.  If it is, please show me an opportunity.  Open a door, and I promise to pay attention." 
It's pretty indescribable, then, to explain how it feels recently, as God's perfect timing  finally seems to have begun revealing itself.

Facebook, though a time-suck, really can be such a friend, too.  My dear friend, Nicole, who I met while we were both nurses at Wausau Aspirus Hospital circa 2002ish, posted about a potential trip to... Uganda. This trip is scheduled for June 2015.  Nicole's good friend, Christy has been there 3 times and is planning a trip next summer! (She also adopted a little boy from Arise & Shine Babies' Home in Jinja, last year.) Did I mention that Nicole and her beautiful family live just two hours west of where we will live in Arkansas? :)

This appears to be... IT - the most unbelievable chance to follow God's lead. Christy's experience in the country and with its beautiful, joyful people, translates into a maximized itinerary packed full of opportunity to serve Him. So blessed by them, am I! 

Tony's not one to argue with God's faultless script.(Plus, he's fully aware of my passion about this.) However, I think my husband may still feel I've lost my mind at this point. His wife is becoming even more obsessed with the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of Ugandan orphans, as we prepare our family to move out of state in the upcoming weeks. Um... What can I say?!? I am hanging on for this ride. I'm so grateful that even if he thinks I've lost it, he isn't saying so. :)  He even watched these videos with me tonight. 

The first video, on the left, features Arise & Shine's director, Sharon, giving a description of the work done at Arise & Shine, and the help that is so badly needed. 

Along with serving at Arise & Shine, other potential organizations on the itinerary are Project Hope Worldwide, and Amazima Ministeries (Katie Davis' org). Planned also, is time at Sharon Nyanjura's village. (Sharon is Arise & Shine's director.)
In this village, women in Uganda have learned beading (like the ones above, made of many layers of recycled magazines)and tailoring as a means for a sustainable income.  Their projects are so beautiful.  Christy has been able to bring back much of it back to the states, selling it, and sending back 100% of the profits to Arise & Shine! 
Please check out her facebook page, Ugandan Bags and Beads, for unbelievable, one-of-a-kind, jewelry!

One more organization we hope to serve while there, is Sole Hope.  The jigger problem in Uganda is awful, claiming lives and so very much needless suffering. (Google 'jigger', if you need to.)  Then, please watch this video:

I hope to have a shoe-making party soon, having ordered my kit tonight. :)  Blue jeans are cut into shapes which are eventually used to make shoes. More info here: 

The jigger problem can be avoided simply by wearing shoes...

The MOST amazing thing about helping these orphans with jigger infestation, is this:  They feel that the jiggers are a witchcraft curse.  By reducing and/or eliminating the jigger problem, they realize that it is NOT witchcraft. And thus, a door to the gospel has  swung wide open. 

There should be a bigger word than amazing... or incredible... God is more than it all.  The more I visualize how a stumbling sinner like me could carry out God's will in this way, the more I see just how very big our Mighty God is.

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