Summer 2013

Summer 2013

Friday, October 11, 2013

School of Life ~ 9.30.13 - 10.6.13

He said to them, 
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation."
Mark 16:15 NIV
This week, we made some posters for Move for Missions.  We were introduced to its concept by another homeschool family.  Its mission is to encourage all of us to share Christ in our every day lives, to let our lights shine daily.  So, we were trying to organize a group to run at FVL, to raise awareness for missions here and everywhere around the world, and to simultaneously encourage physical fitness.  We hung the posters up at church.  Unfortunately, the weather was not in our favor on the day we'd plan to run!  Ah well, I don't believe the lesson was lost on my students ;) Find out more, here:

This week, we also received our "Lost in India" Adventure Kit.  Super excited to get this started with the kids!  They are intrigued, too, especially since their Aunt Erika's family is from India.  Twice weekly, there will be short videos released, which help us understand how to help bring Jesus to the more than billion people in India who have never heard of Him.  India is the single largest unreached nation on earth - some, places in which missionaries often cannot go, due to the high threat of danger. First video is released next Tues., 10/8! 
Wednesday is for WINGS! So, off we went :)  Sadly, Soren started complaining of a sore throat and headache, and before our time there was done, he'd fallen ASLEEP on my lap!  This was definitely NOT normal!  There was a period of about 3 hours of crying in pain from his headache.  Heartbreaking!  Needless to say, Thursday was the first of a few, recovery days for him.  I decided that it'd be best for all of us to take a break on Thurs., rather than try to keep the girls schooling and S comfortable.  He spent the day in typical Soren fashion... trying to ignore the fact that he felt like absolute garbage.  He tried taking Garmin for a walk, with me - nope!  He just needed to be inside, lying down.  I finally convinced him to go in and take a rest in his bed!  Lo and behold he did take a nap!  

While S was resting, I joined G outside.  She was tree climbing, making minor adjustments to her "garden", and working on some flower arrangement. Love!
"Mama, it's like I 'made' art..." Indeed! 
With Soren under the weather, I decided to give the girls the job of cleaning their rooms on Thursday... Ahem.  This is waaayyyy more work that it sounds like... mainly for Ava!  Gressa natually prefers to keep things tidy, but Ava just couldn't care less if she left cereal bowls full of milk to rot on her desk... or wrappers in a pile... or a cactus that's fallen out its pot in the windowsill (I mention the cactus for example's sake, only, of course... um... yeah...)  It just doesn't bother her.  This is one aspect of homeschooling for her that I really was "looking forward" to spending some time on!  Life skills!  We had the whole morning, so expectations were fairly high.  Happily, she embraced the idea (after some sufficient, yet non-effective grumbling), I think mainly because she wasn't rushed to get it done.  I was pretty impressed with the job she did!  And the bonus was seeing HER pleased with herself.  I keep telling her that even though she doesn't, for instance, care diddly squat about her dresser drawers containing folded clothes, at some point in her life, she will... and so I'm teaching her now, so that she will know how to do it, when she DOES care... phew.  
Organizational thoughts seemed to run rampant during this week...  This is G's to-do list, from Friday, this week:
In case you aren't especially familiar with 1st grade hieroglyphics, her thought process is as follows:
1.  Paint nails.  (Notice, this is already checked.  She had this done, prior to showing me how the rest of her day would look.)
2.  Reading (Her current reading book is titled, "Tiptoes", thus the T.)
3.  That is a page of shapes to represent Math.
4.  English
5.  Computer time.  We are on the same page with that, as it is listed last :)

Friday was a great day.  We headed to CrossFit for my first time in, er, weeks... :/  Nudged by the invite for Ava to babysit another CrossFitter's baby during the WOD, we hit the 8am class.  It was. so.great.  I so miss CrossFit and the peeps at the box!  
I have never been one for excuses, and I like to think I don't complain about challenges often as we ALL have them... but darn it, if I think I may be forced to realize that I am too injured at this point to continue CF'ing right now.  I HATE to admit that I have any limitations.  Limitations are so mental!  But this lingering bursitis that is suggested surgical, plus a new, Baker's cyst bursitis in the other knee, has me a bit bummed, to be honest.  A LOT bummed.  I may be moving into a new season - for now.  More Yoga? To be continued. 

We wrapped up our Science unit on the sun this week, and S and G made these mini-books in summary and review of concepts taught, and vocabulary... still need to find some paper fasteners to make them stay put.
We especially loved this page in the sun chapter:
Sometimes I think we over-think, making things more complicated than need be.  "Billions and billions of years ago", simply couldn't be.  Nothing could've survived on planet earth at that time, and not that "proof" is needed (it's not), but if it were, thermonuclear fusion surely would be some.  The kids really enjoyed this lesson.  Yes, faith is believing without seeing, yet it was fun for all of us, at our different ages to ponder the fact that our awesome God intentionally placed the planet Earth at the PERFECT place in the solar system, FOR US.  Any closer, we'd burn, any further, we'd freeze.  And that - is pretty cool.

Things to be thankful for this week:  
*This current illness is awful - but temporary!
*Life skills training is easier to NOT do, and is not fun for mom or kids.  But, it is effective and rewarding, and we have to keep on.
*Ava had a blast at the team bonding night for B team volleyball on Friday night.  She said that her "lungs hurt from laughing".
*Another year with this wonderful, amazing lady that I'm blessed to call Mother-In-Law!  She celebrated another birthday on 10.6

And so it goes... another week that's flown by, with a multitude of blessings...
"I want to help you to grow as beautiful as God meant you to be when he thought of you first." -George MacDonald

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