Summer 2013

Summer 2013

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Twistedly Hopeful, Bootcamp Eve

I can't, not record this journey.  This will be such an upside-down, crazy, not-my-life kind of 2 weeks.  The thinking out loud - it's just going to be happening.  Here.

Random and wandering cerebrations, tidaling through my thinker, on this - the night before scoliosis treatment starts...

1.  Tired.  The majority of the weekend included me prepping to take myself out of my daily life, for the next 5 days, x2. 

I'm not sure how a person is supposed to do this, exactly? What I came up with, looked to me, an awful lot like a person who has no idea what they are doing.  

I meandered through Pinterest and cookbooks for a grocery list yesterday, and then aimlessly traipsed through Aldi's and Woodman's for the listed items needed to prepare meals for the week. I bought some not-so-healthy snacks for the kids that they typically never get, because when Mom's gone, that helps?!  Annddd the tiny bloodhounds already discovered and devoured most of them. Obviously.  Fail. 

I spent 2 hours in the playroom, de-cluttering and organizing my mind and the closet.   What else do you do when you don't know what to do?  Bake!  After church today, I made a few things to try and keep a step ahead of the ever-ravaging bellies.

2. Of course, outlining the kids' school work for the week, topped the list of to-dos. I made them binders to hold their daily schedules and assignments and did adapt some of the oral work to written. 

I recently discovered that I could find and order comprehension questions to correlate with a variety of books.  I ordered and downloaded the comp q's for the corresponding pages of, "Wonder", which Ava is currently reading.  I'm thankful that she is mostly independent in her work; not much of her productivity will be interrupted by my being gone.  

3.  Happy. Seven-and-a-half year olds are a bunch of fun sweetness.  Most of the time.

4.  Sick.  
Though I'm directly responsible for the near-total consumption of this 2lb jar of honey over just the past week... it definitely hasn't been in vain.  My cough still sounds a bit like a "dying cow" (Ava's words), but between the green tea + honey, eucalyptus oil, Mucinex, nebs, and finally an antibiotic (bummer), I do believe Bronchitis: Round 2 is on its way out. Let's hope I can refrain from mooing at the doc tomorrow.

5.  Excitedd! More than tired, or sick, I'm am pretty darn thrilled.  So excited to have this opportunity.  
I'm reviewing my itinerary for Day 1:
I think that the 1st step (after xrays and review of my history/case, of course), is vibration and heat to try and loosen up the soft tissue rigidity associated with the vertebral rotation of my spine/curve.  'Kay, this is honest-to-goodness, a thought that gives me chills.  Oh, in such a good way.  Thinking about being stretched and heated in a direction opposite of my tired, posturally-collapsed muscles, sounds absolutely heavenly.  It's pretty much a dream come true, just that.

This is part of the paperwork I was to fill out, prior to tomorrow. 

6. Thankful.  I'm beyond grateful for:
A. Tony.  He's working from home these 2 weeks (which any parent who's "worked" from home knows, is no simple task).  I will drive to and from Green Bay, daily, so will be home in the eves, but it will be all him, coordinating the school of life, with all of its ups and downs.  

Go, Tony!  So happy I married YOU - someone I know is totally capable of this :) You Can Do It! ( And I love you for it!) <said in Schwarzenegger voice>
How to reduce thighs? 4 Simple, Best exercises to reduce your thighs in Weeks, right at the comfort of your Home
B.  Friends and Family! Goodness, I have some generous friends!  Friends and family disrupting their own busy lives to incorporate my kids into their own happenings.  So thankful for this! Thank you all for your kind notes, texts, phone calls, and just generally encouraging words.  It's so heartwarming.

C. Jesus.

I'm praying that I was led to this juncture in order to receive some pain relief. Most importantly, I long for curve reduction, or even "mere" stabilization! Regardless, it's so very comforting to feel the truth, inside; to KNOW, without a doubt, that my loving Savior is along on this ride.  No matter what this trip brings (or doesn't), I'm gonna be ok.  And this... it makes all the difference in the world.  

Now, off to unload that dishwasher for the 3rd time, today, before my noggin' hits the pillow.  This night owl's about to get a crash course in getting up and at 'em.

I'm praying for hope and a future...

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