Summer 2013

Summer 2013

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Day 5, & the Weekend Betwixt

Friday was a shorter day... but it was kind of a trick.  On the other days, we cycled through the stations, resulting in a break between the more difficult stations of the traction/de-rotation chair (30 mins) and the cantilever (20 mins). But on Friday, once the cycle was complete after the first round, we were sent straight back to the chair and the lever! Agh!  Tired.  I'm actually glad that I didn't know what I had coming.  

Ava had begged to tag along to see what this is all about.  On Friday, I let her come with me.  Lots of learning :) She also got to meet Olivia and Joseph - a groovy kid I met there, as well.  Joseph has a rare blood disorder, and many other medical issues and learning challenges.  His scoliosis and kyphosis are just icing on the cake. :(

Meeting these others, witnessing their challenges, and watching how they deal with them, both physically and mentally, was certainly sufficient "learning".

Also, Ava has a small curve (noted on xray a couple of years ago), so I knew it wouldn't hurt for her to have a little intro to the environment ;D Dr. Dovorany will review her xrays and if she does have scoliosis, she'll be doing the Small Curve Camp.  The alternative is to "watch and wait",which, since learning of ScolioSmart's philosophy, research, and results, seems utterly silly.  Every large curve started small.  Why are we waiting?!?  There is a better way.

Results with adults have been amazing, but almost unbelievable, are the curve reductions that ScolioSmart Clinics are getting when kids jump into this treatment!  Keeping their curves in single digits is common, and also means scoliosis would essentially be a non-issue into these kids' lives!  Quite a contrast to what I (and so many others) deal with as adults! 

The kids hear me talk about my back being sore more than I wish they did.  I don't think they see the pain limit me, drastically, though... I'm definitely conscious of, and intentional about not griping about it in their presence.  I try. 

They do know Mom wants to run again.  

I think that starting treatment last week did kind of spark a new curiosity in them, as to the seriousness or severity of my back pain.  Ugh.  I'm just trying as hard as I can to live out that quote we all want our kids to embrace..."It's 10% what happens to us, and 90% how we react to it, that matters."  

The kids have seen me wrangle with my lever exercises over the weekend...!  I needed to fit in 2 additional, 20" sessions, after returning home on Friday afternoon.  Then 4, 20" sessions both yesterday and today.  

I'm having quite a bit of, let's say... "response" (pain) with this. I don't typically have much pain on my curve, but since that IS what I'm trying to change, after all, and since that's where the lever weight pushes, that's what hurts! I'm supposing these muscles that are not used to doing a darn thing, are now trying to engage. Such a good thing!

I set up a quiet spot in an extra room - the playroom, setting some board games atop the air hockey table, as a makeshift laptop holder, and jumped on my blue disc.  

Without a doubt, I needed distraction.  But I don't watch much tv; catching up on Grey's Anatomy and Parenthood only bought me 3-4 sessions.  Then, Gressa pulled up a tiny chair to the wobbly laptop and leaned in, nose pressed to screen - and began to make her own Hulu requests.  We watched some Animal Planet about baby cheetahs, while she watched me struggle, determined to keep working.  
"Only 3 more minutes, Mom; you can do it!"

l o v e

I spent about 5 hours yesterday prepping the week's schoolwork, and several hours today, trying to catch up from the week, grocery planning and shopping, and making a tasty dinner for tonight, to start out the week.  

Tony qualified today, for "Husband of the Year, 2014", with his jaunt to Ace Hardware to rent a Rug Doctor.  He had many other projects on his mind, but knew I was ready to lose it over the filth in the carpets.  This gracious act of steam cleaning the carpets and upholstery made me grab him and smooch him silly. 

All equipment packed up, and I'm headed to bed, now, and taking this quote from Romans 5, with me. 

It's truly the most overwhelmingly beautiful thing, realizing that God holds every one of our fears and trials in His own heart and never, ever will He fail to do what is best for any of His children.  Not once. Wow.  Just, wow.  So blessed... through it ALL! Looking forward to a great week!

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