Summer 2013

Summer 2013

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Character Before Curriculum ~ 10.7.13 - 10.13.13

"Raising healthy, well-educated, self-disciplined children who love God and their fellow human beings is, I believe, the most challenging responsibility in living.  Not even rocket science can approach it for complexity and unpredictability." -Dr. James Dobson.

Oh, I love Dobson, for saying this... ha!
This week, I've finally come into acceptance, in regards to Class Dojo.  ( Soren's 2nd grade teacher used this behavior modification website, which is how I first heard about it.  It's a system of recording positive and negative behaviors for students.  In other words, it's a lot of work.  ha.  It turns out that it can be used not only in classrooms, by teachers, but also by parents and homeschooling mamas :)  
The use of Class Dojo in our home, stems, specifically, from Soren. Hehe
1.  He is soOOooOOo motivated by his behavior being benchmarked.  The kid would give his sister his right arm for a "prize".  It's not even right.  
2.  Consistent, high energy expenditure, regardless of circumstances and expectations (x3!) needs behavior modification of some kind! 
Enter, Class Dojo.

Gressa, modifying her avatar

The green bubbles are "positives" (on task, kindness to others, being helpful, working hard, working cheerfully), and the red are "negatives" (attitude, disrespect, off task, rude/interrupting).  This screen above, is used under my login, allowing me to give the rewards/penalties, but it also allows each student to log in and see their day/week in graph and percentage format, as below:
Ahem.  Yes.  Gressa had some disrespect issues when I snapped this pic...! In the short time we've used it, though, it's already shaping behavior and turning into a great tool for me, helping us all get through the school morning, more smoothly.

We are in the process of developing an incentive and prize chart, and so it looks like soon, I'm going to have to start getting over my mind block of doing this. I know that the kids are SO, super motivated by the idea of a prize, but it seems like an awful lot of work to set up a bangin' rewards system on top of the other project-preparing, library material reserving, lesson planning that's going on. Sigh.  I don't know how it would be with other kids... but I know that mine need this type of thing. Gonna have to do it!

Unfortunately, it was the girls' turn, this week, with the crushing headache and 103 fever... It started on Tuesday, about the time Soren was back in full force.  So sad! I spent the day trying to keep S schoolin', while keeping the Tylenol, fluids, and snuggles going for the girls.  After reading and math, and spelling, we dove into Science.  I read aloud the Mercury chapter.  The girls drifted in and out of sleep, while I read.  Soren really likes this Science curric.  After we read, and he narrated and journaled, he constructed a salt-flour model of the planet.  Not before, however, we rode our bikes to Walgreens to get white flour... I didn't have any of that in the house anymore!
S and I got out for awhile in the afternoon; I walked and he roller bladed.  He was on the hunt for the "perfect apples"... perfect for bringing back home to smash with his scooter.  Boys :)

We had to miss WINGS this week, in order to keep everyone else feeling better, and not spread our germs.  Soren was happy to play Minecraft on a shared server, with the Jungwirth boys.  When the girls felt better, we tried to make a scarecrow - yikes! 

Here she is! Our long-torso-ed Packer fan. . . that none of the kids wanted to stand in front of, for a picture. . . silly little perfectionists. . . where on earth do they get that from. . .?

"Lost In India" continues!  We are loving this.  The whole point of Mission India, is to help share the Gospel, and to raise money for kids in India to go to Bible Camps.  Just ONE dollar brings a kid to camp!
Each week Chris and Justin are in a different part of India.  

Ava, being a goof.  Shocking, really. . .

For each video released, there are additional activities and badges to earn, such as devotionals, personal stories of those coming to know Christ through Mission India, etc.  These have been fun to do as a family :)
This is just a snapshot or two of what I'm faced with, prior to trying to start school each day!
dancing to Indian music

 Messing around!  They absolutely get along more easily, peacefully, and consistently overall, since we started homeschooling!  I didn't say more quietly, did I?  Yeah, definitely not more quietly. ;)

Dunkin' Donuts Friday...
That afternoon, we were expecting cousin Kelsey for a visit!  She'd celebrated her 24th birthday just the day before, so we wanted to get her a birthday donut :)  We decided on, the "Manager's Special", LOL, which is Soren's go-to.  It's a... what  else?? Packer donut :)  However, we were at DD a little later than other times we'd been there, and the Manager's Specials were all GONE!  We settled for a pink donut, and sat down.  Soon, one of the workers, who must have overheard us asking for the green and yellow, suddenly appeared from the kitchen, with 3, newly-frosted, and free, Manager's Specials! Mom's worst nightmare (more donuts for kids), and kids' Lucky Day (more donuts for kids)!  And Kelsey would get her Packer donut, after all :)
 We also were handed this bag, at that point.  Fave customers?  Idk.  Frequent Flyers, at the least. Kinda weird.  Hmm.  

When Kelsey arrived, I was at St E's for my "CPR for the Professional Health Care Worker", renewal.   She had these pics snapped before I was back, and I'm so glad she did!  I didn't see them until later in the day.  

We love you, Kelsey!
After Kelsey had to head out, we still had sugar to burn... 
Just lookee at all of those swim lessons paying off!!  An hour of coffee and silence while admiring my little fish in all of their squirmy wonder... XOXO

love reminders like this one...

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