Summer 2013

Summer 2013

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Love, Grace & Mercy in Abundance! 9.23 - 9.29.13

Monday was the FVL-hosted, elementary schools' cross-country meet.  We'd been fortunate enough to be included in this meet, with plans for both Ava and Soren to run.  When it came time for the race, Ava backed out.  Still not sure why that was... although she does have her eye on a boy... :O... and he was at this meet... Anyway (more on that, later), Soren did run, and enjoy it :)  His mile time was just over 8 minutes.  Not too shabby, for having not been running regularly, lately.  I sooo love his passion for whatever he does, and just loved watching him have enough juice at the end of the run to sprint through the finish with the look of determination, strength and success!

The rest of this week was packed ultra full!  Every time I start to get a bit overwhelmed with a week that's extra busy, I remind myself that it's blessing, heaped upon extra blessing, which makes for all of  the busy-ness... :)  And then I feel simply grateful, and blessed, rather than overwhelmed.  It's been a challenge for me to 'let go...' of much more than I've felt comfortable with, in the past...  Keeping the kids home has truly made me prioritize all of the woulda-shoulda-coulda-will do someday, stuff!  They continually keep my priorities straight!

Ava had a volleyball match against Mt. Calvary on Tuesday afternoon.  And while they lost some tough, and close games, it sure is a fun privilege to watch these girls try their best and improve!  This night was also fun, as I got to assistant coach :)
Captains, Ava and Avery, leading pre-game cheer

So very proud of my go-getter girlie!

On Tuesday evening, Gressa's very good friend, Grace, and her sister, Claire, brought over their fish.  They were off to their uncle's wedding in California, and were under the impression that Gressa is the Betta Master!  Gressa really couldn't have been more thrilled for this responsibility!
The next morning, Wednesday: Fish Display!  Gressa, with her betta, "Sweets".  Next is "Lucy", and then "Swimmy" :)  She is also proudly wearing the duct tape earrings that Grace made for her as a gift!  Lucky Girl! :)  Unfortunately, Murphy's Law undoubtedly comes into play during times like these... and we had a fish casualty during its stay at Hotel Hoyord... little Lucy, is no more... :(  

On Wednesday, we headed to the Y for our usual WINGS classes.  This week, there was a fire safety class for the kids.  There was some eye-rolling going on when the kids first heard this, as they've all had some fire safety, in the past, so it didn't sound too fun, I guess...  And then, when the fireman pulled up in a car, rather than a fire truck, and started unpacking gear from his hatchback, suspicions were furthered... ha.  Turns out - it was a GREAT demo!
The kids all stayed interested, as the fireman put on his entire uniform, piece by piece, and let the kids all ask questions and touch everything.  He got down on his knees and demonstrated how they would navigate a burning building.  The demo seemed to build on any prior fire safety info the kids may have had.  They even got to have a race with rolling out the fire hoses (they're HEAVY!), and making a planked "bridge", which would be used to cross unstable or burned flooring.

Carsten, Soren & Finn

Gressa and Adeline
Ava was on Charlie Patrol!
On Wednesday after WINGS, Gressa was able to spend time with a bestie, Greta, at our house, while her Mama was off to ultrasound for baby #4!  What fun to see these girlies play so effortlessly together, as they have spent so much time together!
And also, what a true privilege and blessing to witness my dear friend returning to reveal baby's gender to the new big sis - and all of us, too!  It's a GIRL, due around Valentine's Day!

About an hour after Greta left, our cutie pie nieces arrived!!!  Baby, Baby, BABY was the theme for this week!  
Emma & Nora were here to stay from Weds eve - Sun, while Tony's brother, Mike and his wife, Erika welcomed baby #3 on Thursday!  This would be a surprise of blue vs pink, as well... :)
So verrry much excitement filled us all, when we awoke on Thursday am... we couldn't wait to find out if it we be a little brother or little sister for these special girls!  Nora slept in the pack in play in G's room, while Emma slept with Ava in her bed.  On Thursday am, I noticed a folded up, used diaper on G's bed.  I knew I hadn't changed Nora during the night, nor had I heard her awake, at all... I looked quizzically at G and before I could say anything, she said, "Oh, yeah... she had potty when she woke up so yeah, I changed her.  Here ya go (handing me the dipe)."  Nonchalance.  And just like that.  SUCH a Little Mama!  In the pic above, Emma and Nora are dressed, while our girls are still jammied.  That's because they were all-consumed with readying the girls for daycare that day ;)  We had a field trip planned, with VHS, to 1,000 Islands Nature Center, in Kaukauna, and also thought that the girls might do best with some of their normal routine mixed into all the time at our house :)  Below, is Nora, not so sure about this gig!  And Emma - dressing Ava! :)

Uncle Tony dropped the girls off at school on his way to work, and that's when the morning reared its ugly head... I left the kids with instructions to get ready for the field trip, and went to the grocery store to get some things for our lunch at the nature center.  Yeah.  NEVER leave lunch buying and making for the hour before the field trip.  It isn't "easier" or a fraction of any other remotely positive thing, to do this.  What a rookie mistake.  I get to the store, and realize I don't have my wallet.  (It's in my WINGS bag from yesterday.)  I don't have time to get home to get it and get back to the store, so when I arrive home, a few mere minutes after I'd left... and see 3 blank expressions, I know that I have my work cut out for me :/  Deep Breath.  
"Ok kids, we have to stop at the store together, change of plans.  We actually need to leave NOW, because we have to drop off Garmin at Tailwaggers, get our food, and pick up the Jungwirth boys."  They did ok with it - I threw some ice in a cooler and we were off.  We hurried up, alright.  Hurried up, to wait for a downtown train.  For FIFTEEN minutes.  Hurry up and wait just never seems to breed patience and manners, now does it??!  Add in a dog who is ecstatic to, "go for a ride"!!, and those were the longest 15 minutes of my life.  Ok, no, no they weren't, but it was 8:09 am once the train passed, and we were to be at the nature center at 9:15.  Finally, off to drop off the pooch, do the supermarket sweep, and get the boys!  Oh yeah, and of course I needed gas.  We made it to the nature center with a minute to spare.  Phew.

This field trip was a hit!  The kids spent the am learning how to use a compass and learned about pacing, navigation, etc.  
Gressa, especially, really had fun with this!  The kids each designed a short 'course' with directional instructions for the other to use, to find 3 hidden chips.

In the afternoon, we all hiked to a clearing in the woods, with our guide from the nature center.  We learned more about navigating (and completed a longer course), and also learned how to build a shelter and start a fire in various ways, should we ever be lost. Soren, Carsten, and Finn's shelter is above.  The highlight of this trip was DEFINITELY the fact that the kids were allowed to start their own fires, using flint and steel, or as a last resort - matches ;)
The boys, beaming about starting their own fire in their shelter!

After the fun at 1,000 Islands, we headed straight to Lego League.  The day's teamwork activity was for the boys to try and line themselves up, in height order, while blindfolded :)

Soren, presenting one of his ideas

MEANWHILE... The news was in, and bOuNcInG bAbY BoY, Henry James Hoyord, in all his absolutely miraculous newborn-ness, had safely arrived! :)

That night, when the girls were back at our house, we facetimed mom and dad and Emma got her first peek at her baby brother.  I feel so privileged to have been there for her joyful, sweet reaction... it's like it was all coming full circle for her... really special :)  Nora looked on in amazement, too.

The next morning, Friday, we took the girls to meet their new little brother and for them to snuggle their mom and dad!
Also, Tony and I were honored to be present for our godson's baptism that morning :) (I even got to hold Henry while he became a Child of God!)  It made me
extra-happy that the kids were home, on this day. Soren was at Carsten's, but it was really special for the girls, and Tony and me, to share in Henry's baptism and this day with the new family of 5.  A one-of-a-kind day.

Emma, giving baby Henry her gift

In love.  Completely in love.

"Soo... this means he is my, 'god brother'...?!"

Then it was time for us to go :)  We had lots of fun the rest of the weekend playing outside - a LOT, going to Gressa's soccer game, and Soren's football game, teaching the girls how to 'play house', playing with dolls, making each other giggle, and just having fun together :)  

Donut Friday!

We truly love having our nieces and nephews!  Especially in a big family... it really gives us a chance to get to know them, as people, and to be a part of their precious childhood! I love treating them like our own, and giving our kids the experience of caring for and loving them, too!  Children are such a precious blessing and this time just flies by!  So yes - if you family member reading this, I'm talking to you, too ;D
This week wasn't a traditional school week... it wasn't a even a traditional homeschool WAS an amazing week, though - one brimming with compassion, love and learning, and full of what matters most.

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